Install Script

Before you install MoonCord, are you sure you did take a look at Preparations?

Download MoonCord and start the install script

cd ~/
git clone
cd ~/mooncord
bash scripts/

Now follow the Install script, i am going to explain the questions here in this guide

enter the absolut path to your config directory of your klipper installation, when you have a normal mainsailos or kiauh installation you can leave this empty

enter the absolut path to your logs directory of your klipper installation, when you have a normal mainsailos or kiauh installation you can leave this empty

enter your Discord Bot Token from Preparations

enter your Moonraker api token if you have forced login enabled in your Moonraker config. normally you can leave it empty.

enter your URL to your webinterface if mooncord gets installed on a other host, if its the same host leave it empty.

enter your full Discord tag, both the classic one with #1234 and the new one with just the name will work.

A present NodeJS installation was found, mooncord 1.0.3 requires nodejs 20, if you have a older or unknown nodejs Version, type Y otherwise type N.

drink some coffee ☕, eat something 🍔, this step will take some time (on a rpi4 around 7 minutes)...

after this is done, MoonCord will temporary start the first time to continue into the Install Wizard

Last updated